Berikut ini adalah daftar singkatan-singkatan dalam Business English. Semoga bermanfaat unutuk Anda.

  1. a/c (British English) = account

  2. acct. (American English) = account

  3. attn.  = (for the) attention (of)

  4. B/E  = bill of exchange

  5. B/L =  bill of lading

  6. cc  =  carbon copy

  7. cf. =  compare

  8. cfr. = cost and freight

  9. cif  = cost, insurance, freight

  10. cip = carriage and insurance paid to

  11. C/N = credit note

  12. c/o = care of

  13. cod = cash on delivery

  14. Corp.= Corporation

  15. cpt = carriage paid to

  16. cwo = cash with order

  17. D/A = documents against acceptance

  18. ddp = delivery duty paid

  19. ddu = delivery duty unpaid

  20. des = delivered ex ship

  21. DN = debit note

  22. D/P = documents against payment

  23. enc(s) =  enclosure(s)

  24. EXW = ex works

  25. fob = free on board

  26. for = free on rail

  27. Inc = Incorporated (US)

  28. L/C = letter of credit

  29. Ltd = limited

  30. p&p = postage and packing

  31. p.p. * = on behalf of

  32. pto = please turn over

  33. re = with reference to, regarding

  34. RRP = recommended retail price

  35. SAE = stamped addresses envelope

  36. VAT = Value Added Tax

  37. ZIP= (code zone of improved delivery (US)* (lat.: per procurationem)

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